Thursday, December 20, 2012


Hi honey buns! Sorry I haven't been posting in a while. I was so busy with the university that I completely abandoned my blog. But I'm back now that it's winter break here. Thank GOD! I will be posting a few outfits from these past months, some of my daily makeup & nails. Any questions about where I got any of the clothes or products don't be afraid to ask! Thanks & Merry Christmas!
Lynel Yari
PS: yes I used the same skirt twice because it's awesome-sauce & I love it a lot. Oh & I posted a picture of the view from my mom's house just because it's winter & it's so beautiful out, just wanted to share it with you lovelies. I love how it's summer 365 days of the year here. K, bye!

Instagram & twitter: @l_yari